20 januára, 2019

New Cobiax Official Youtube Channel

Today we would like to provide the whole Cobiax community with its own Youtube channel.

After the hectic but successful days at the Bau trade fair in Munich, this is the next step on our way becoming a Cobiax family, that will get the world to know about our safe, sustainable and profitable way to build and think different. We are proud of our official partners and look forward winning new ones soon.

This way please: „Cobiax Official“ Youtube Channel

A selection of the most important videos are accessible via this website. See them here: Videolist.

Image: © Cobiax


Všetko nové v stavebnom svete
Veľké priestory ako povinnosť
Cobiax nie je len značka. Slogan „Veľké priestory“ ďaleko presahuje možnosti moderných technológií v stropných konštrukciách. Je to záväzok k vytvoreniu väčších priestorov, v ktorých ľudia žijú a pracujú.
Viac informácií.


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Cobiax Bulletin.

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